Friday 24 June 2016

JB goes upriver

Wow, what a pretty day today.  Paul and I took Jeff up the Mystic River to the Seaport, where hopefully he will be sitting beside the Emma C. Berry tomorrow in "Smack Alley."

So we get underway and slither out of the harbor . . . 

First stop: the Stonington train bridge, which always reminds me of the Gulag.  Paul was impressed by my ability to whistle (3 times) for the bridge to open (we'd forgotten the air horn).  This is a very cool bridge, which rotates around on its axis so it is parallel with the river and there are two "lanes" to pass through for those coming and those going.

Then on to the Bascule Bridge in Mystic, where we twirled around a bit waiting for it to open (at 20 minutes to the hour).

Here comes the Seaport.  The amount of gleaming brass and perfect varnish lining the piers was making me a little woozy.
I have to say, this was thrilling me to death.  I don't get up the river much, and never on an old smack being pushed by a skiff.

So we anchored Jeff on "the flats" right off of the main area (the show had started today, which I didn't know) and presumably the staff will move him to his rightful spot by Emma this evening.  Said Paul, on our way back, "At least it's in shallow enough water so if the pumps fail it doesn't have too far down to go."  Ever the optomist.

JB looks right at home!

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