Thursday 16 June 2016

Tick-tick-tick-tick . . . .

3 more days till the 50th anniversary celebration of the Noank Historical Society . . . and the arrival in Noank of the Emma C Berry, who’s 150 this year . . . and Jeff is supposed to be in the water, right out on the mooring for all to see . . . and Bruce has not showed up yet!  Paul says don’t push him, since he does everything for free, which is incredibly nice (I have no idea what storage, launching, trailering and hauling fees are but I suspect I could not afford them), but the man has got to shake a tailfeather.  We won’t be able to get the rig on in that amount of time (ie, a day).  Geez, it’d be nice if he got it in in time for the wooden boat show.  Oy!  I suspect it’s time to deliver another pie.  Worked the last time.

The Memorial Day Parade was cancelled due to rain so the anniversary and boat show are JB’s only chances to vogue in front of a mesmerized crowd.

Jeff’s all painted and ready to go but I wanted to include this photo of the seam compound—seems that roofing tar was the material du jour after all. And, I might add, it is not leaking like it did last year when we put a garden hose in the bilge.  Just a trickle.  Amazing!!!

Dane finished all the varnishing last week and both the mast and bowsprit look swell.

 The white paint on the tip of the bowsprit  is a new addition this year--it used to be old nasty weathered black (I didn't do anything with it last year), and the jury is still out regarding the white--we may go back to black--but I think it's kinda spiffy. A white tip for the mast, however, was soundly vetoed.

Look at that mast--it's positively gleaming!!!

I should take more photos, but you’ve pretty much seen what the deck and topsides look like all done, and I feel like a mom at her 5-year-old’s school play, so I’ll wait to take more when he’s being admired by his public (or being transported to the Seaport).

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