Friday 1 May 2015

The big sanding weekend . . . and the new boat part term for the week

Well, I have heat-gunned the bulwark down to the second rub rail below the sheer strake (I finally learned, from cousin John, what that second bit of black is).  The first plank below the deck is the sheerstrake.  How about that. (and the "spell check" in MS Word wants to call it the "deerstalker.") I also learned that the vertical piece of wood at the stem and keel where all the planks come in is called the rabbet.

I am going to make my own diagram of this and post it here because apart from the site where this came from, ( the Internet has diddly when it comes to showing all these parts.

Tomorrow (with all  my invisible helpers) I am going to sand this entire area, so that Paul can come with epoxy and wood plugs and then I can sand again and then prime it, per Maynard Bray's orders in the Sand And Paint Bible.

But Sunday I'm going for a bike ride.  Jeff Brown is a co-dependent boat!

Wait!  Hold on!  Before I ended this I went for one last search--and here is the best diagram so far, which actually includes the sheer strake:

1 . Keel
2. Hog piece
3. Keelson
4. Bent frame, Timber
5. Garboard strake
6. Shell planking
7. Bilge rail
8. Seating plank
9. Filling piece
10. Topside planking
11 . Sheer strake
12. Capping gunwale
13. Gunwale
14. Rising
15 . Side benches
16. Thwart
17. Lower cross scat
18. Stanchion
19. Gang board
20. Buoyancy air tank
21 . Tank cleading
22. Bilge stringer
23. Life line
24. Life line handle
25. Lifting hook
26. Ring bolt
27 . Stern post
28 . Check piece
29 . Tiller
30 . Stem
31 . Thwart knee
32 . Mast clatch
33 . Rubber piece

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