Tuesday 19 May 2015

But wait! Time for more epoxy!

Just when Nora and I thought we were ready to get out the big guns (8" disc sanders and white paper suits) Paul comes along and starts poking holes in poor Jeffie.  Granted, they were holes that needed poking, and now I am filling them up properly (if one can properly fill a hole instead of replacing the entire plank, but wouldn't that be a treat) and in the meantime Nora continues to chip away at "her" section (the deck).

Then it's time to screw some loose planks in near the stem, and after the first sanding of the sides . . . more bondo!  Apparently one has to make the sides "fair," and in some places, the  only way to do this is to cheat.
So be it!

Today it is raining so no sanding for us.
We only have to strip the stern, and then the topsides are free of the heat gun.
Poor thing looks quite "shabby chic" now . . .

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