Saturday 2 May 2015

So *this* is what boat people do on Saturdays . . .

I spent about 5 hours today sanding the bulwark and the sheerstrake, then the rail caps, and then, finally, primed the rail caps because if I didn’t they’d curl right up again while I wait for Paul and his epoxy,  Which should be coming tomorrow.  Hopefully he will also have the little wood plugs and the Dutchman for the starboard side.

I am not cut out for this.

What kind of idiot spends this much time on a boat?  Plus, I’m not even 1/8th of the way done! 
Well, to be fair, this black section was really bad.  The green paint will practically peel off, and I don’t think there will be a problem sanding—exept when I die of dust poisoning. And the bottom is no problem; I painted it in November and lived to tell about it.

The deck will be a nightmare. Especially the interior side of the bulwark.  No sander can get in there, and I'll probably fry my nose off aiming the heat gun at the right spots.

Louisa stopped by and took this fetching photo of me. I have 3 sweaters on, I'll have you know.

Here is the rail cap all primed.

You can hardly see it but it is there, and I am dizzy with pride.
I still can't decide whether I should get the rest of the paint off the bottom rub rail and varnish it like the fancy owner had it before.  Paul thinks I am out of my mind.

I’ve been told a “helper” will materialize tomorrow.  Which is a shame, since I’m going on a bike ride.  She can help herself to the heat gun.
I must remember to build a shrine to Steve, without whose heat gun I would be nowhere.

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