Thursday 2 July 2020

Long -overdue update

Since I probably set this blog up wrong, I can't reply to comments so for those of you who commented in 2019 . . . sorry!  But I do receive them in my gmail account so if you want, next time you have a comment, just put your gmail address in the comment and I can write to you, or update here.

A new comment from, of all people, a Jeff Brown, has prompted this post. Hi Jeff. Good to meet you!!

I have not posted for awhile because a) I moved a bit farther north so do not get to spend as much time with Jeff as I did before, and b) I think I reported in my last post that the dreaded "insurance survey" has consigned Jeff Brown to a life in the Red Shed, as it is known, for the time being. All the work that Paul and I did on the rails and deck 2 years ago did not get the chance to be tested on the high seas. . . but on the plus side it has a spiffy new paint job that isn't getting crudded up. Cold comfort.

If you want a tour, go to the Noank Historical Society on Sylvan St, or write to them at 
and have them open up the Red Shed behind the Latham Chester Store and bask in Jeff's cuteness. And donate to his zillion-dollar restoration fund!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Penny! Just getting back to checking your blog to see if you saw my prior comment - and lo and behold you did. Thanks! I may get up to Mystic/Noank for some paddleboarding or cycling tomorrow and if so, will get over the the Noank Historical Society and see if they'll pen the Red Shed so I may see my namesake. ;-) In the meantime, my email address is: Please let me know if you ready Jeff for the water, as I'd take some photos.
