Monday 18 July 2016

Finally . . . the first sail of the season

. . . although I found out that Paul had taken JB out last Thursday, the sly dog.  And now that Dane has gone with us, he'll also probably be borrowing.  I cannot borrow alone.  I am a doofus.
I wouldn't get out of the anchorage without causing a million dollars in damage to everything around me.
To remedy this, someone dropped off a small, indestructible boat in my yard about 3 weeks ago.
Which I can practice on.  I cleaned it up a bit. It is a Galilee 15, built in 1983 by a company in MD that no longer exists.  But I have the owners manual and it says they can never sink.  Which is key, when you are me.

In the meantime, here is Jeff on a very hot Sunday (yesterday), "racing" against Winsome (which has a centerboard so we were kind of dusted).

 but that didn't last long because soon there was no wind at all and I was asked to whistle a few show tunes (apparently that calls the wind); Don told me you should drop coins into the water to buy a bit of wind but I didn't know that at the time. Plus, I don't think the wind was selling yesterday.

This is Fishers Island and North Dumpling island on the right, looking, as always from this angle, like a battleship, even in the haze.
 Dane did a nice job on the bowsprit. Which I was out on the end of, clinging to, as we came in, looking for rocks since we were going so slow and couldn't maneuver very well.  At least I was useful.  Clinging, watching, whistling, wanting another day when just me and Paul would go out so I could humiliate myself in private.  Except for everyone with binoculars on shore.  That's why Winsome came out--they saw us and got shamed into it. :)

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