Monday 17 August 2015

The little birdie is ready to fly the nest . . .

. . . and now all there is remaining is to wait for Bruce to get back from wherever he’s hiding, come on over with his big truck, and drag Jeff Brown to the boatyard.  Paul says that he may not launch it that day (which we pray is tomorrow), but I’m hoping I am there when he does.  I’m feeling rather motherly.  Paul was a blaze of activity yesterday and today, despite the heat, making adjustments to the “worm shoe” and setting up the two (count ‘em) bilge pumps.  I’ve been watering Jeffie 3 times a day for a week, like a flower, trying to swell up the planks from the inside.  He looks like he’s weeping.


 The cockpit and deck are all painted now—and boy did I learn some lessons about trowel cement and what to do different next year to get the edges smooth for a better line.  Also, perhaps next year we can take off some of the brass parts and sand them so all the old paint comes off.  Paul says Jeff will look better and better each year.  Who knows where ‘ll be next year.


I know where I’ll be next week, though, while Jeff is at the dock—in his barn, sanding and varnishing the spars. Cousin Jennifer has donated a dinghy so we are all set.  I am sure Paul has some oars hiding somewhere.


And of course there is the transom—finally the letters arrived and I practically made a customer service rep cry; I could not understand the application instructions for the life of me.  Frankly I think they made ‘em too complicated.  It’s just basically peel and stick.  I almost got 'em centered.

I’m told of a new, enthusiastic helper for the spars.
We’ll see!

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