Thursday 20 August 2015

Hasn’t sunk yet!

I feel a bit bereft.  There’s this hole in my yard where a big boat used to be.  Too much space.  Bruce and Red came this morning and away went Jeffie down to the marina and over the side, where it sat in the straps half the day but then was deemed un-sinking and so is now resting quietly at the dock until the spars are finished.
Started on them today, in Paul’s warren of a shop.  Boy they are huge!
I am using lots and lots of 80 and 120 grit sandpaper, just trying to get the shine off them.  It’s taking longer than I thought.  Saved the biggest for last (tomorrow).
Take a look at that bowsprit, willya?

I’m getting really scared.

Also quite territorial and protective.  What if other people now want to go on it? It’s not fair, I tell you . . . and yet it is.  I just wish I was a better sailor.  The nautical types are going to come out of the woodwork now.

I guess I just want to be counted, instead of patted on the head and then ignored. 

Feeling a little post-partum depression, I guess.

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