Thursday 29 April 2021

Jeff Brown . . . the next Julia Roberts?

 Thank goodness my cub photographer was on site to take these photos of the filming that happened in the Red Shed, known in the film as just "the boat house" I suppose. I asked Paul what the scene was about. He said that the character (I don't know if he's the main character/star, but he could be) is getting Jeff Brown ready to launch.


Wouldn't that be nice?

And for those of you who are now captivated by this tale, please make checks payable to the Noank Historical Society ( so we can raise the 5 billion dollars necessary to make the old geezer pass his insurance survey. 

Here's the crew getting ready to shoot a "boathouse scene." The star is at left; note the bespoke opened toolbox at the bottom of the photo. Donated by Paul I suspect.

Down by the Town Dock is where they are filming a scene of a Jamboree; hence . . . yes, it really is there . . . a Ferris wheel.

Looks like a kinda crappy day to film a Jamboree, but there will possibly bee more shooting tomorrow, which is supposed to be nice.

Did I mention I filled out a form to be an extra? Sadly I did so too late, or I would probably have been cast, as "Waterfront Hag." Every movie needs one.

Hopefully more photos will follow. The producers said they'd give some to the historical society, and I'll post em here.  

Interestingly, some scenes from "Mystic Pizza" were filmed about 200 yards away at what used to be Ford's Lobsters, where--yes, you guessed it, Uncle Jack kept his dragger Star at the dock, and Sea Mew out on the mooring. I will have to find a photo  of them.

Hey, here's Star, in oh I don't know . . . 1985?  At the Seaport. All Jack's boats are destined to be movie stars!

Thursday 15 April 2021

Jeff Brown--Soon to be a Hollywood Star

 Geez, I  hope it doesn't go to his head!

So I learned last week that the Hallmark Channel is filming a movie in Stonington, Mystic and Noank called "Sand Dollar Cove," and one of the scenes, of a guy fixing a boat, will be filmed guess where and featuring you-know-who.

Here's an article on it. You too could be an extra.

Come to think of it, so could I. What's to lose? You have to send 'em a photo though. I will be cast as "Seaside Hag."

Anyway, the production company has promised to send me photos of the filming of that scene (apparently I am not allowed to do it myself) so I will post them here once I get them.

What I'm hoping is that a) someone from the cast or crew falls in love with JB and writes the historical society a big fat check to repair him enough to pass his survey and get insured again, b) the buzz from the movie will help me with a grant to a maritime history preservation foundation, c) I can start a GoFundMe page (because believe me, it will take more that Paul and my ministrations to get Jeff out of the shed and back in the water, and d) well, I don't know what "d" is but it involves lots of money being thrown at my best wooden pal.

Stay tuned!!!