Friday 23 June 2017

Bulwarks need love too

these photos are pre-sanding . . . I'm not that sloppy
a massive bit of rot here . . . but a few gobs of trowel cement and hey presto! No one will ever know the difference
 I always think I’m going to really tackle the inside of the bulwarks and the scuppers and sand the bejeezus out of them so they're all nice and smooth and lovely . . . but then I run out of time—plus, it’s been raining nonstop here so I’m sanding and filling and painting between storms.  Not the best way to work, but poor Jeffie needs to get in the water.  I decided to concentrate o the outboard side this year—boy were there enormous cracks.  Thank god once again for Interlux trowel cement and a detail sander.

I haven’t taken photos of the results yet but I will tomorrow.  Painted all the black, and the “gold” second rub-rail.  Tomorrow: red sheer strake, and the hull.  

That bronze top rub-rail will never stay shiny so I just sanded it until all the really nasty blue bits  (and paint from years ago) came off.   Looks kinds rustic.

I can see now that the inboard parts will be another rush job, as will be the deck.  Sigh.  Where does the summer go?


  1. Is Jeff in the water now? I hope you are enjoying a sail now and then.
    Is that other Key West Smackee still in the area? It was in David Barbers back yard for a while.

  2. Hi Penny,
    I've ready your blog with much interest. It's going on a year since your last post. (Hope you are well!) What's the current status of 'Jeff Brown'? If he's in the water, I'd love to paddleboard by and take a glimpse.
    Jeff Brown (yep, that's my name)
