Sunday 12 July 2015

Jeff Brown and Bob Marley: Separated at Birth?

This weekend I worked my butt off to paint the part of the starboard topsides that I could while staying out of Paul’s way so he could fasten the planks to the stem.  But I didn’t mind it because I was laughing the whole time.  Paul had dropped off some paint, and it was the most marvelous stuff I had ever painted with (Interlux, I love thee), especially the gold leaf.  It was so bright I had to keep the can out of the sun because it was blinding me.

These photos are after one coat.  I did the second coat today.

Still have more to do on the deck but I really wanted to see how this looked.

Frankly, I think it looks like a Rastafarian pirate ship.

Hope Uncle Jack is not rolling over in his grave.  Or twisting with the tide around Ram Island, where he technically is.

Mario the cat’s new favorite sunning spot.

I have to put more fairing compound on the transom and then sand and paint it quick so the name can be painted on.  Paul says there’s a woman who loves to paint boat names.  She can have at it.
Perhaps gold leaf this time . . .

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